Do You Hear What I Hear?

Do You Hear What I Hear? was written in 1962, a time in American history where

the threat of war and instability were very much concerning. The race to the moon had just

been established, the country was in the middle of the Cold War, and the Cuban Missile

Crisis had just begun.

For some like myself, these moments are just footnotes in a history book – but for

others, they are still fresh in your minds. For those of us who did not experience these

episodes, we must understand it was a time of uncertainty and fear.

Noel Regney, one of the song writers, was in New York City and watching babies being

pushed in strollers on the sidewalks. In that moment, with chaos – uncertainty – and fear of

war surrounding the country, she was inspired to write the lyrics, “Pray for peace, people


One of the greatest gifts that Jesus has given us is Peace. But the peace He gives is

much different than the type of peace the world is used to.

Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you. MY peace I give to you…” (John 14.27).

The Peace of Christ is more than an absence of war. The peace of Christ is genuinely

a tranquil state of the soul, and the mind, where you fear nothing from God, and you are

content with what He has entrusted you with. This is the same peace that Jesus had the

night He was wrongfully arrested. The same peace He had while He was beaten, mocked,

and crucified.

It is this peace, “My peace,” Jesus said that He is giving to you. As we celebrate

Christmas in the coming days we need to understand that the birth of Christ was a

necessary moment in God’s plan and design for our lives and His purpose. The peace that

Jesus gives us is the kind of peace that cannot be explained. When world says panic, the

Peace of Christ makes us calm. When the world says to seek vengeance, the Peace of

Christ shows forgiveness. When the world says, “It’s ok to act out and be angry,” the Peace

of Christ says, “It is well with my soul.”

This gift of peace, comfort, and contentment is only possible because, Jesus, “though

he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to,” (Philippians


John Lennon once said, “If someone thinks that peace and love are just a cliché that

must have been left behind in the 60s, that’s a problem. Peace and love are eternal.”

John wasn’t wrong. Peace and love are eternal – but they are only possible through

faith in Christ. Jesus said, ‘God loved the world so much that He sent His one and only Son,

so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life” (John 3.16).

This season, let us celebrate the birth of Jesus and hold on to the promise of peace that

only He can provide.

I’m Too Busy!

“Rest.” “Be Still.” “Wait upon the Lord.”

You will find these words and commands mentioned over 200 times in the Bible. But when someone asks the question, “How are you doing?”, how often do you say, “Busy!” “I’m swamped.” “Can’t get ahead!”

It seems that we often take pride in the busyness of our lives. We work more than 40 hours a week, spend 10-15 hours driving kids around in the evening, and eating fast food in between stops. We go to meetings, check out at the new store in town, pick up groceries, and then chase the kids around the house trying to get them to shower, brush their teeth, and go to bed. 

By then you feel like you need some “me time.” So you grab a book or turn on the TV only to fall asleep before you can really enjoy either. Then you wake up and do it all again. And that’s just during the week!

On the weekends we load up the car and go to games, concerts, visit family, attend weddings, mow the lawn, and pick up the house. If we are really good, we might actually put away the laundry and clean the garage! 

Somewhere along the line we bought into the lie that “Busyness leads to happiness.” While it has been proven that productivity is good for our mental health, there is also a fine line where too much is just too much. At that point, we become stressed, anxious, frustrated, and easily irritated.  

That is why God has instructed mankind to rest. Take a break. Sit. Be still. Know that He is God. It’s hard to do! I know this personally. The truth is, I’m supposed to be resting as I write this!

I stepped outside to enjoy the sunset and listen to the birds as they flew in and out the pond behind our house. But I kept thinking, “David. You’re behind schedule. It’s time to write another blog.”

Rest doesn’t come easy to most of us. It is a discipline that requires intentionality and accountability. When we learn to rest in the way that God desires us to rest, we will walk away from those moments with a calmness of heart, new energy, and a better understanding of God’s purpose for our lives.

Biblical rest is a rest that can promotes peace, ease, or refreshment. Rest can take many forms. Taking a nap. Sitting down with friends and having a conversation. Playing a board game. Reading a book. Building something with your hands. Watching a movie. The idea is that when you finish your time of rest you feel better. Your mind is sharpened, health is restored, and your heart is refocused on God.

In fact, resting is an act of worship! God wants us to consider Him in all that we do. When we rest and refocus on our relationship with God, that means that we get to carry that newness of life with us into the busyness of our week.

We get to shed the light of Jesus on the people we meet at those ballgames, dance rehearsals, weddings, and concerts! 

Wherever you find yourself on the spectrum of busyness this week, don’t forget to make time to rest. As for me, I’m going to wrap this up and finish watching the sunset before I miss a chance to draw closer to God.

Living Hope

Photo by Tim Gouw on

Hope is an interesting thing isn’t it. The Oxford dictionary defines hope as a feeling or expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. Recently, my family and I were visiting my sister and brother-in-law in Minneapolis, MN and we attended a Major League Baseball game. This was the first professional sporting event my daughters (13 & 9) had ever attended. Our family plays soccer and golf, so trying to teach our girls about baseball on the fly was a sight to behold.

The game was close the entire time – neither team leading by more than one run. It was the bottom of the ninth inning and the home team, the Minnesota Twins, were down by one. The ballpark was a place filled with hope as the fans desperately wanted to see their team win.

There was one out and one runner on base. As the next batter walked up to the plate, I looked at my daughter and said, “If he hits a homerun right now, they will win, and the crowd will go wild!” 

First pitch. Hit! It went long to the left field and just out of bounds as it passed the yellow pole and over the fence. Foul ball. One strike.

Second pitch. Strike two!

I leaned over again and reminded her that a home run will win it all!

Third pitch. Bam! The ball came off the bat with a fiery fury that led no doubt that this game was over. The crowd began to cheer! Fans hugging and high fiving each other. Just for a moment, a band of strangers were united in the realization of their hope!

After the game was over, we stayed around for the fireworks and walked back to where we were staying. That moment has passed now and the hope we shared is over. It just a memory.

It was the Apostle Peter who coined the phrase “Living Hope.” He understood that Jesus not only brought the promise of eternal life for all who believe, Jesus also promises to be our Living Hope right now!

The great thing about Living Hope is that, unlike what we experienced at that baseball game, the hope we have in Jesus will never stop. 

To the Christian, I want to encourage you, don’t give up hope. Whatever you’re going through right now, know that God’s plans are always greater than your own. Jesus is alive and God has promised to never leave you or abandoned you. The world we live in is difficult on all accounts. But Jesus said, “Take heart! I have overcome the world!” – John 16.33c

To the seeker and the skeptic, God’s love for you is beyond description. He desires for you to know Him and to know His love. In a world where all hope seems lost, know that the greatest hope of all time has a name, and His name is Jesus. He is not lost. He is alive. He is not temporary. He is forever. 

Purposeful Pursuit

The Gospel of Mark, chapter 3, records the time when Jesus healed a man who had a withered hand.

“Again he entered the synagogue, and a man was there with a withered hand. And they watched Jesus, to see whether he would heal him on the Sabbath, so that they might accuse him. And he said to the man with the withered hand, ‘Come here.’ And he said to them, ‘Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do harm, to save life or kill?’ But they were silent. And he looked around them with anger, grieved at their hardness of heart, and said to the man, ‘Stretch out your hand.’ He stretched it out, and his hand was restored. The Pharisees went out and immediately held counsel with the Herodians against him, how to destroy him.” – Mark 3.1-6

This passage has been written about, preached about, and sang about for many years. Most of the time the message focuses on the fact that Jesus was healing on the Sabbath. According to the Pharisees, this was subject to punishment. I’ve heard preachers make the point that Christians are called to stand up against the accepted norms of society when those accepted norms goes against the teachings of Jesus. I’ve read authors speak to the deceptive behaviors of the Pharisees and how culture hasn’t changed as the world has declared war against Evangelical Christianity today. I’ve even listened to radio broadcasts that plea the listener to “Stretch out your hand today and accept Jesus!”

I’m not here to argue, defend, or even address those talking points. What stands out to me above everything else in this passage is one simple word. The word: again. It says, “Again he entered the synagogue.” When I see that word, I see a man of persistence. Persistence is defined as: firm or obstinate in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.

Persistent is a word I would certainly use to define Jesus. When was questioned about His identity, He didn’t back down. He said, “I am the bread of life” (John 6.34). He said, “I am the light of the world” (John 8.12). He said, “I am the door,” (John 10.9), “I am the Good Shepherd,” (John 10.11), “I am the resurrection and the life,” (John 11.25-26), “I am the way, and the truth, and the life,” (John 14.6), and “I am the true vine,” (John 15.1).

When Jesus was facing arrest and crucifixion, he said, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will,” (Matthew 26.39). Jesus was focused on fulfilling the purpose for which He was sent, “…to seek and to save the lost,” (Luke 19.10).

Read the first two chapters of Mark’s Gospel and you will experience a sense of urgency in the life and ministry of Jesus. Trust me! Take a pen and underline the words “immediately” and “again” every time you see them.

So here’s the point. We need to live our lives with the same urgency and obedience to mission in which Jesus did. Furthermore, we need to do so with persistence. Whether you are a mother or a father, a wife or a husband. Whether you work in retail, medical, food industry, or wherever you work. Regardless of your relationship status or academic endeavors, we need to move forward diligently despite any adverse obstacles in our way.

We need to be like Jesus and make God’s will top priority in our lives. When I make mistakes as a husband, I need to repent to God and seek forgiveness from my wife. I need to own up to my faults and strive to be more considerate and more aware. When I fail as a father I need to apologize to my children and become more present and intentional. When I make mistakes as a pastor I need to learn from my ways and be better equipped for future endeavors.

Whatever your situation is, you need to be persistent. You are called to be persistent. All the while keeping your eyes and heart focused on pursuing the will of God. Paul said, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,” (Col. 3.23).

Paul’s point is that we aren’t called to live this life for ourselves. We are called and missioned to live for something much greater than that. We are called to live a life that points others to Jesus and finds purposeful-fulfillment in the pursuit of His will – not ours.

Beautiful Bonnie

Have you ever experienced a moment that triggered a memory? Maybe the taste of a sweet dessert that reminded you of your childhood. It could have been the smell of the autumn leaves as you drove through wooded roadways of the countryside. Sometimes it’s a song, a conversation, or an unexpected meeting with an old friend. My most recent moment came just a few days ago when my sister, Tierney, found some old family pictures in her attic.

My wife and I live over six hours away from our parents and the majority of our siblings. So it was a huge blessing when my sister quickly took pictures of those photos and sent them to me. It was fun to reminisce for a moment. I laughed. I shared some pictures on Facebook. I texted my wife a picture of when we first started dating at the age of 19.

Alicia with the sweet choker necklace!


Then my sister sent one more photo. To be honest with you, I wasn’t ready for it. In fact, I’m having a hard time just thinking about it now as I write these words. My sister sent a picture of my Grandma Bonnie. I have been blessed to have wonderful women in my life. My wife. My mother. My Grandma Joyce. My mother-in-law. All these women have made a huge impact in my life and I can honestly say I wouldn’t be where I am today without them.

Here’s what you need to know. Grandma Bonnie did not have an easy life, not in the slightest. I’m not going to go into detail about what she went through but understand this, the hardships she endured were more than any one person should have ever experienced. But the beauty of her story isn’t about the tragedies of loss, abuse, or sickness. The beauty of her story is how she faced adversity with strength, grace, and joy.

Grandma Bonnie.jpeg
Grandma Bonnie

Bonnie loved her boys – all four of them. She loved all her grandchildren – each and every one. But most of all, Grandma Bonnie loved Jesus.

Bonnie and I had a special connection. When I was a young boy, she would take me to church. She signed me up for Vacation Bible School. One time she took me to listen to a Southern Gospel group called, “The Barnett Family,” (no relation). I remember that night as if it were yesterday.

I remember sleepovers at her house. I remember the distinct smell of her kitchen. I remember the soothing sound of cars driving by her house at night. I remember her teaching me to play a melody on the piano. I remember her painting the stairway railing of my parent’s old farmhouse one day when I got home from school. I remember feeling safe when I was with her.

My world was forever changed the day she passed away. I was nine years old. I had no idea that she was even sick. Turned out she had been fighting cancer for years. The funny thing is, I never saw her as sick. She was my friend and I simply saw her as “Grandma Bonnie.”

She never had a lot of money. She didn’t drive a fancy car. Her house was small. By the world’s standards, she wasn’t anything spectacular. But you know what she did have? She had a bible that was worn, torn, and falling part. She had a song in her heart that rang louder than the church bells on Sunday morning. She had a faith so bold that no obstacle could ever stop her from loving Jesus.

Grandma Bonnie was beautiful. She was beautiful because she loved Jesus first and she loved Him more. She loved Him more than anything in this world. I am so grateful that she was my grandmother. I’m even more grateful today because I see the same thing in my mother. My precious girls are blessed to have grandmothers who love Jesus.

Loving Jesus is not easy – especially in this Upside Down world. There are days when your faith will be tested.

Loving Jesus is not cheap. It can cost you friends, job promotions, opportunities, and relationships.

But in the end, the size of your bank account, the car you drive, or the type of home you live in won’t really matter. Those things will not stand the test of time. What will last forever is your legacy. The legacy you leave your children, grand children, great-grandchildren and so forth will carryon for generations. The best thing you can do as a Mother, Grandmother, Father, or Grandfather is to love Jesus with all your heart. Love Him like you are going see Him tomorrow. Love Him like time is running out. Love Him with all abandon. Simply. Honestly. Humbly. Wholeheartedly. Love Jesus.

Good Vibes or the Power of Prayer?

Over the past several months a new trend has gained momentum through the world of social media. While the concept has been around for generations, the resurgence of “good feelings,” “positive vibes,” and “thoughts” have become increasingly obvious through the outlets of Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and Facebook.

We are living in a time where “vibes” are more socially acceptable than prayers and “good thoughts” are stronger than the power of God. Consider this, Webster’s Dictionary defines vibes as “a person’s emotional state.” I don’t know about you but there some days when my emotional state is best kept locked up in cage buried deep in the ocean. We have the God-given ability to experience joy, sadness, hope, disappointment, anger, and love all within a matter of moments. If you’ve ever filled out a bracket for the NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament, you know what I mean. It’s called March Madness for a reason!


Prayer on the other hand is the Christian’s way of communicating with God. We pray in faith (James 1.6), in the name of Jesus (John 16.23), through the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 8.26). We pray for healing (James 5.15). We pray for supplication (Philippians 4.6). We pray for others (1 Timothy 2.1). We pray in worship (Acts 13.2-3). We are told to pray all the time (1 Thessalonians 5.16-18)!

When we pray, we are speaking to the Creator of all life. There is not a concern He cannot meet. There is not a request that is out of His reach. There is not a prayer too small or too big that He cannot answer. We have access to the greatest power of all-time with the promise, that if we ask, He will answer (Matthew 7.7)!

So the next time you are in need to be connected to the ultimate source of power, don’t ask me for vibes or thoughts, because vibes never saved anyone. Ask me for prayer. Don’t minimize the power of God in efforts to be trendy or culturally relevant. Call it what it is: PRAYER!

Sometimes the answer won’t be what you want, but it will be what you need. As followers of Jesus, living in the Upside Down, we struggle with changing our old way of living to the new and better path the Lord has laid before us. Don’t get caught up in “being cool” or fearful of offending others. Be bold in your faith. Stand up tall in this Upside Down world. Subdue your vibes and release your prayers!

The Gospel & the Wild Boars

On June 23, the Wild Boars set out on an adventure that captured the heart of the world. The Wild Boars are a boy’s soccer team from the Chiang Rai province of northern Thailand. As part of their training regiment and a “right of passage,” the 12 players and their assistant coach would take a 45-minute bike ride to explore the popular Tham Luang cave. This particular outing turned into an 18-day odyssey that involved prime ministers, national militaries, world-class engineers, and the Silicon Valley tech-titan, Elon Musk.

Shortly after the Wild Boars made their way into the caves it began to rain. As the water continued to fall from the skies, the ocean level began to rise. The team fled deeper into the cave, away from the flood, and soon found themselves 2.5 miles inland and nearly one half-mile underground.


The 12 players and their assistant coach spent 10 days in the cold, damp, dark caverns when a highly trained team of divers found them. The divers reported that the team had resolved themselves to drinking water from the cave walls for survival. With the threat of monsoons, depletion of oxygen, and declining health, the options for extraction ranged from “waiting it out” for four months to a building a child-sized submarine.

The urgency of this situation bridged the gap between polarizing democracies in Thailand and united a nation. They gained the support of the world and the prayers of many faithful followers of Jesus.

It was decided on July 8 that a team of divers would make their way back into the caves to rescue the boys. The journey would not be easy. It would include a 1-mile climb over slippery rock, wading through dark waters, and making one’s way through a 15-inch wide “pinch point” to find freedom. The estimated dive time was between 3-5 hours one way. Did I mention that most of these boys didn’t even know how to swim?


Saman Gunan

In the days leading to this valiant effort, a retired Thai Navy Seal, Saman Gunan, gave his life for the twelve boys and their coach. Saman ran out of air and lost consciousness as he was returning from a mission to deliver oxygen tanks to the team. Saman had volunteered his time and expertise to ensure the safety and return of these young men.

This tragedy is much like the Gospel in so many ways. We often times find ourselves deep in the midst of lostness. The world is dark. It is cold. It can be hard to breathe. The fear of the unknown only weakens our resolve and doubt casts shadows on the smallest glint of light. This is what it is like to live in the Upside Down.

Saman Gunan reminded the world of what real sacrifice looks like. It isn’t simply giving money or volunteering at a food kitchen. Those things are good and noble expressions of love. But Jesus said, “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends,” (John 15.13-NLT). That is exactly what Jesus did. He died for all of us. He died so our sins would be forgiven. He died so that we may experience a new life. He died so that we would have the promise of eternity in heaven with Him and His Father.

Followers of Jesus Christ have the responsibility of being light bearers in the darkness of this Upside Down world. We are called to share hope to the hopeless. Give encouragement to the discouraged. Love the lost and find joy in the midst of our challenges. It is not an easy assignment. But it is the one laid out before us. We must step into each day fully dependent on God and know that our lives are in His hands.